
Useful names and contacts:

E.A.S.T (East Anglian Stitch Textiles) - a self-supporting group of textile artists, of which I am a foundling member.  The group can also be found on Facebook - "like" the E.A.S.T. page to keep up to date with events and exhibitions.

Here are links to some of my favourite suppliers and places of interest:


Art Van Go - A static shop plus a travelling van of art and textile art supplies

Rainbow Silks - particularly good for dye supplies and fabrics, but lots else besides


Braintree District Museum - This museum at Manor Street, Braintree, Essex, UK, CM7 3HW is our spiritual home. It is open Tuesdays to Saturdays from 10am to 4pm and as well as an interesting history of Braintree, including several textile based industries, there is a running programme of special events and exhibitions.


Warner Textile Archive - This archive, also in Braintree, Essex is found at Silks Way, Braintree, CM7 3GB and is open every Wednesday and the first Saturday of each month from 10am to 4pm. Researchers can contact the archive for access on other days. Our exhibition, EAST @ The Warner Textile Archive was inspired by a visit to this archive. They also run special events including a large Textile Fair in May, exhibitions and workshops (including my own!).